Japanese Mythos

The Creation of the Universe

The Kotoamatsukami

The First Five Deities

In the beginning, the universe was engulfed in a beaten shapeless matter, known as chaos, sunk in silence. Later, in time, there were sounds, born from the movement of particles in the universe. From this movement, light and the lightest particles rose; these particles were not as fast as the light, so they could not go any higher than it. The light was at the top of the universe, and below it the particles formed the clouds, then the "High Plain of Heaven," known simply as Takamagahara. The remaining particles that had not risen formed a huge, dense, and dark mass, thus creating the Earth.

Upon the creation of the Takamagahara, the first three gods were born: Amenominakanushi ("All-Father of the Originating Hub" or "Heavenly Ancestral God of the Originating Heart of the Universe"), Taka-mi-musuhi-no-kami (""), and Kami-musuhi-no-kami(""). Subsequently, two deities emerged from a reed-shoot, Umashi-ashi-kabi-hikoji-no-kami ("") and Ame-no-toko-tachi-no-kami("").

These five deities were known as Kotoamatsukami and went into hiding after their emergence, with no mention being made of them in later mythological tales in the Shinto patheon.

The Kamiyonanayo

The Deites After Heaven & Earth

Following the Earth's creation, two gods had arisen: Kuni-no-toko-tachi-no-kami ("") and Toyo-kumo-no-no-kami(""). Much like the Kotoamatsukami, these gods hid after their birth.

Then, five pairs of deities were born, consisting of a male deity and female deity. These pairs were:

These deities were known, collectively as the Kamiyonanayo, the "Seven Divine Generations."